Precept 2: It Is Our Shared Purpose And Responsibility To Co-Discover And Co-Create A Healthy Society
Everyone says they want to live a healthy and happy life. Without health is there much joy in living? This precept does not conflict with any cultural tradition, religious belief, or philosophy. In order to produce a healthy result, it is necessary to share the intended reason why something is made, used, accomplished, or brought into existence. Our most amazing and impressive accomplishments happen when we work collectively. Building a healthy society is a phase one purpose from which all other worthy pursuits can be derived. There is no higher purpose for us to hold sacred than wellness.


The advantage of this precept is to present a simple goal of mutual benefit to everyone. Most children can understand the principle of this responsibility. It does not depend upon comprehension of some abstract philosophy or theory of life. It is a logical invitation for personal participation in a grand cause that cannot be discredited or dismissed. If human progress is measured by wellbeing, then being well deserves all our concentration and labor. Working to build a healthy culture provides a basis for all legitimate activity. It prevents proposals of private interest from coming into existence because they are not part of a shared purpose. Benevolent proposals require little debate, so we can spare ourselves from greedy political squabbles so familiar in news media today. It would eliminate distractions from this healthy purpose, and provide more energy for thoughtful focus on the best way to transform our culture. The hardest decisions would come in deciding what wonderful thing should be done before any other.


You may have heard or asked the question: What is the meaning of life? Humankind is the only species to raise such an absurd inquiry. At first thought it might seem like a deep question. However, nothing takes a higher priority than staying alive, so this is priority one. All biological life forms spend most of their energies staying alive. When it comes to personal purpose in life the answer is the same. Whatever one might choose to do as a specialty, it can only be justified to enhance our survival collectively, and unjustifiable if the purpose is outwardly selfish. Propositions outside of healthy objectives are not credible or valid considerations. The activities of living are required to be sustainable in relationship to Nature, so the only way to survive is through healthy purpose.


Many people have been trained to believe they have Freedom and ‘independence’ to become all they can be as individuals. This is an idea that many liberated cultures seem to believe, yet that premise creates a personal objective where 7.5 billion people are potentially working at cross-purposes to Ourself. There is only moral liberty and interdependence in the pursuit of health. It is not possible to endure in any other way. Health cannot be achieved by pursuing other things. Health is achieved by seeking it. Health is what living is all about. Everything else is about dying.


We still live in the shadow of industrial-era-thinking and resulting contamination chemically and psychologically. Our ignorance during the eighteenth century gave us so much pride in our scientific and technological achievement, that we gave ourselves permission to do unthinkable things without a plan. For all that effort, we established unsustainable infrastructures, entrenched ourselves in economic slavery, and ineffective methods of governance. We may have evolved great toys and tools to play with, yet our moral integrity has devolved in the absence of a clear purpose for our talents and technology. Western culture was born from the oligarchs’ desire of limitless riches by any means, and constructed by selfish industrialists whose financial legacy now determines the course of our fate. We have gone too far down this road to ruin to allow continuation of the same selfishly directed future. There is no reason to equate money with wellbeing, or ‘wealth’ with success. The historical record is running testimony of failure due to our wide belief in these false indicators of health. Moral performance is not associated with finances, so we cannot use money as an excuse to continue acting immorally, or to prevent cocreation of civilization.


Codiscovery is the only kind of enlightenment. There is personal discovery through investigation to realize things unknown to an individual, but the achievement is only possible because one’s life is nourished by the collective. Individuals like Albert Einstein are often credited with discovering something. He may have put some information together in a previously undiscovered way, but it is rather absurd to think his achievements were possible without the legacy of human codiscoveries such as; horticulture, architecture, schools, language, writing tools, mathematics, a city, a clock tower, an electric trolley, and the luxury of time to ponder the qualities of light. The power to pioneer is multiplied when groups of people work together to learn something.


Cocreativity is the only kind of invention. Creativity does not originate within the mind or body in isolation from all that there is. Some people are classified as ‘creative’ when we really mean their brains are more imaginative at selecting things that already exist. This is to suggest that cocreative power is multiplied when groups of people work together to produce something. Let us only cocreate positive innovations.


The quality of life equals the sum of our actions collectively, so we must become more discriminating about what acceptable-activity is, lose our artificial preferences, and embody authenticity. Health is a universal standard by which all people can make quality decisions, and the basis for cultivating a collaborative community. Health is a ruler of merit for any proposal and the best reason to take action. What ever it takes, this is what we should do.


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