All the art, designs, and products displayed on this website are available for purchase and represent the best of my work. Every attempt is made to offer a high standard of service and high quality products on a timely basis. If you are not satisfied with something please alert me and I will make every effort to set things right.
Custom pieces for specific installations or special needs can also be commissioned for your living spaces.
Licenses for commercial use of photographs, illustrations, or graphic designs are also available. Please read the legal statement for more information about ownership and copyrights. |
Page layouts are generally designed to scale from small to extra-large, and best viewed on well-endowed monitors. Left-hand navigation is omnipresent for convenience.
MarkSmollin.com is hosted by
Millennium Systems in Orange County California.
Quality products, reliable service, and friendly personnel. This group very special and a pleasure to work with. They have been hosting my business for fifteen years without a glitch.
This website was created to meet standards of The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Due to Rapid advances in Internet-tech, many Browsers cannot handle new coding standards, particularly older versions of Explorer. This site is best viewed with Safari and Mozilla Firefox, which offers good user-protection features that you can download for free. |
